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Dustin Combs

I grew up on a small three-acre farm in Hooper, Utah where my parents kept cows and chickens and grew gardens of herbs and vegetables outside of their regular jobs.  They often impressed upon me the importance of the natural world, how we should respect it, and understand our place in it.


Attending Professional Massage Therapy school and practicing the trade for ten years further instilled a sense of living holistically, as Massage Therapy is very much based in this mentality.


In college, while taking an Ethics and Values philosophy class, Singer's Animal Ethic and Leopold's Land Ethic was discussed. This material struck a deep chord within me and ever since then my degree has been focused on sustainability, ecology, and ways technology may be able to help with environmental issues.


Coming full circle from my youth, I will be starting my own garden and doing everything I can to live as sustainably as possible.  This will be an ongoing process where I hope to learn from those already living consciously and to share with those who may not be aware of the effects of our current lifestyle.

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